Friday 12 October 2012

Interview with Essex Express Editor

So why did you create a new newspaper for the Essex area?

We here at Essex Express believe there is a niche in the market for a newspaper that covers the whole of the Essex, there are a modicum of newspapers that cover towns, cities and even villages in Essex, but not one that encompasses them all. We believe that what happens in neighbouring towns is just as important that what happens in our own, and is equally as impacting, if crime rate rises in Whitlam, people in Silver End will want to know about it.  

What is going to be the focus of your newspaper?

We will of course write about the typical newspaper stories, such as sport and crime, but we are by no means a typical newspaper, we will celebrate community and individual achievement as well as on local success stories. We do not agree with the attitude of national press in regards to focusing exclusively on economic problems or on the campaign to prosecute are young people. Instead we will look at local business, which ones are doing well and which ones need the help of the community to pull through, we will look at the achievements and accomplishments of our young people and ensure they are celebrated as they should be.

In your opinion how important is local press to your community?

We believe that the local press is paramount to the promotion and continuation of unity and integration in our community that the standard of local media reflects on the people of the area. Here in Essex we enjoy some of the best local newspapers, that promote community spirit in every town they cover, our goal is to interest people in what is happening in other areas of the county, to strengthen are society and get people involved in local projects.

What can you tell us about the nature of your newspaper, its political views and so-on?

As any good editor will tell you are newspaper will strive for impartiality in all things. Politically we will examine the impact of the decisions of local MP’s on their constituents. We will hold all stories the highest level of scrutiny to ensure impartiality and truth. It is the aim of Essex Express to bring you the facts, we believe that the people of Essex are smart enough to reach their own conclusions and will let them do so.

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