Wednesday 12 September 2012

Article 2 Unemployment in the Braintree Area

Unemployment in the Braintree area hit an all-time high this week at 4.2% at around 2500 people. This may seem low, and indeed compared to some areas or Britain such as Ayrshire at 7% and southern Glasgow at 6%. However this figure of unemployment is the highest it has been since the 60’s and the question has to be asked what the local government is doing to combat the growing unemployment. Braintree MP, Brooks Newmark (43) stated in a speech earlier today ‘we the Braintree District Council and the Coalition government are committed to tackling unemployment in the south-east and in particular the Braintree area.’ What exactly ‘tackling unemployment’ entails is unclear as the budget for infrastructure and public works for the Braintree area has been reduced by 7% this year and what projects have been authorized have had low work force requirements.  

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