Monday 10 September 2012

Compare my Tabloid to Local Newspaper

Master head: Somewhat similar colour scheme red and white, though the Halstead Gazette also has black aswell and and email address underneath, which I am thinking of adding to mine to add authenticity.
Advertisements: the Halstead Gazette has multiple advertisements for local businesses whereas my newspaper only advertises its price and competition, this is something I will need to remedy later
Text: The Halstead Gazette has around 300 words to my newspapers 100, though my newspaper has more than The Sun on which it is based, I am happy with this compromise, but I will try newspaper drafts in future with both more text and less to see which seems most realistic.
Font: As I have stated my newspaper is based on The Sun which is were the font for my master head is from, I believe the font style is used to be memorable the font in my article is standard.          The Halstead Gazette  uses a fairly standard font relying on the impact of the colour scheme and lack of competition the sell the newspaper.
Price: My newspaper is on offer at 50p while the Halstead Gazette is 40p regularly, I will make a questionnaire to see what people would expect to pay for an local tabloid.
Content: Overall the Halstead Gazette content is more intellectual in its content than my own and more concise and profesional in its writing style.

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