Sunday 2 September 2012

Tabloid Front page conventions

Tabloids in the UK include, The Mirror,  The Sun and The Daily Mail.
Typically the name of the newspaper will be in large white font embedded on red, creating a high contrast high impact and easily recognizable Logo. The Daily Mail breaks the trend the name of the paper is printed black on white in Old English font with the royal crest in between the words, perhaps to indicate at the Nationalistic nature of the newspaper.
It seems the something of the nature of the Newspaper can be derived from the Master head of the paper. Red on White will typically be a low-brow newspaper focusing on, celebrity, sport and overall inconsequential matters. Black on White with an royal emblem such as Daily Mail and the Independent will typically right wing newspaper focusing on politics, internal and international affairs and finance, though they will most likely have sports section as well. 

A Tabloid will focus on one article on the front page and accompany it with an large picture and a caption. the more outlandish the better, the caption will often be an pun or alliteration, the cleverness of the pun and the amount of writing on the article depending on the target audience of the Newspaper.

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