Saturday 1 September 2012

Examples of Newspaper Logos

I plan on showing this document to people in my area to find out which people find the most eye catching, as well as which Logos have connotations of, intelligence, celebrity and which are unappealing and why. 
So far I believe the Jubilee sign signifies an right wing paper which are anti immigration. Those aimed at the working population are white on red. Conversely the broadsheet The Guardian is in blue when it is a left wing paper which is more commonly associated with the colour red. The Guardian logo is in lower case, which has been scientifically proven is easier to read, and done in two shades of blue, overall it creates an easy to read master head with connotations of intelligence. In contrast the Independent logo is in block capitals, which coupled with the picture has an high impact effect. The Financial Times logo is perhaps the most droll of the selections, it has connotations of intelligence, and law.

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