Wednesday 12 September 2012

Comparison of Second Draft to the Daily Mail

I have based the second draft  of my newspaper on the Daily Mail adding more advertisement, increasing the size of the caption from my first draft, as well as reducing the size of the masthead and the picture. I also added the beginning of a second article with accompanying picture. This is slightly different form the Daily Mail but I wanted to make this one as different as possible from the first attempt so when I ask people to compare them I can get more of an insight into what attracts the buyer when it comes to newspaper, is it the amount of content or the lack of it. As well as which colour scheme is most eye catching, I cloned the placement of the masthead   as well as the surrounding adverts.
What I want to change in future drafts is the placement of the newspaper's website beneath the masthead as well as making the price more obvious. 

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