Sunday 9 September 2012

The Advertisement of Newspapers.

Most national newspapers are household names, this does not prevent multi-million pound advertisement campaign, designed to get the edge on the competition. Local newspapers will try to advertise more out of an desire to become well known rather than to beat local competition, this is because there is rarely much competition for the market for local newspapers, it is rare for an area to support multiple local newspapers. Local newspapers do have to compete with national newspapers, which considering the difference in resources is not always easy. There will always be an more interesting national story than anything that happens locally, therefore local newspapers must try an interest the public in local events.
Local Newspaper Lynn News Advertisement

The Guardian Billboard

Daily Telegraph Billboard

 Both local and national newspapers will use Billboards for advertisement, though they are admittedly slightly different in size. As the Guardian is already an well known newspaper they try to advertise there impartiality and neutrality while the Daily Telegraph advertises the diversity in its content with imagery. The local newspaper adverts try for shock and impact to get people to read there newspaper the bold block capitals are used for a high impact caption, they are also deliberately vague in the wording to intrigue passers by and fill them with an desire to find out the rest of the story   
Local Newspaper Advertisment

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