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Monday 26 November 2012

Front Page Image

This is the image I plan on using for my front page of my newspaper and home page of website. i have edited the image in what I hope is an unassuming  way to make it more appealing as a front page picture

Monday 12 November 2012

Circulation Figures Halstead Gazette

Publication Data
Total circulation4513Effective date01/01/2009
Type of newspaperPFull Page Rate £413
Frequency of publicationWColumn centimetre3.30
Number of issues per year52Agency commission %10
Number of pages0Column length340
Advertising:editorial ratio0FormatT
Publication daysFNo. display columns9
Audit periodJan2012-Jun2012No. classified columns9
Audit code:ABC  
Detailed mechanical data available from AdFast
Circulation map Group coverage map
Coverage by Location
Location NameHouseholdsCirculationHousehold Penetration %
Colchester Rural317454991.57

Halstead Circulation Figures

Demographic Profile of the area
Total Population aged 15+ : 21616Total of households : 11049
Total menTotal womenTotal population aged 15-34Total population aged 35-54Total population aged 55+Total population of social class ABC1Total population of social class C2DE
Newspapers in this area
Newspaper NameHome PageTypeFreq.Circ.PenetrationTOTAL
Braintree & Witham TimeswwwPW3783.421064001376 343344AJan2012-Jun2012
Colchester GazettewwwPE3022.731525901206 506000AJan2012-Jun2012
East Anglian Daily TimeswwwVM3943.572874501473 230023AJan2012-Jun2012
Essex ChroniclewwwPW1201.092623701245 600700AJan2012-Jun2012
Essex County StandardwwwPW1151.041483201206 506000AJan2012-Jun2012
Halstead GazettewwwPW358232.42451301376 343344AJan2012-Jun2012

Script for Vox-Pox

Script for Vox-Pox.
We here at Essex Express are putting together an Audience Profile for our newspaper. We want to know who our readers are and how they prefer to access their news.
How do you access news?
            -From newspapers
How old are you?
How often do you buy a newspaper or access an online newspaper?
Would you prefer to buy a local or national newspaper?

Person One
I access my news online.
I am 17.
About once a month, or if something interesting is happening.
National newspaper.

Person Two
I am 21
Every week or so
National newspaper, occasionally local.

Person Three
I am 18
Very rarely
If I did I would by local

Person Four
I am 54       
Every week

Person Five
I am 35
Every fortnight

Person Six
Every couple of days
I but my local every week and a national about three times a week

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Local Newspaper Stories

Local Newspapers will often struggle to find real, interesting stories, few can afford many field journalists so rely on the community to support the paper and write in with there stories. In return the local newspaper will do its utmost to promote small businesses in there area with quite a large amount of advertising, more so than national newspapers on the front page.

Consequently a lot of local newspapers have to use soft articles, articles which impact the local community if not in a positive way then  at least not a negative one. Such 'soft stories' may include births, marriages, local concerts or other human interest story.

There will also be stories categorized as hard stories which include vandalism, drugs and youth crime. These will be less prominent, depending on the community in question though often used as front page articles as they are the most likely to interest a wider audience.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Second Page of Newspaper

The second page of a newspaper will include a interest article, one that is not as attention grabbing or succinct as the article that earns the front page but still one of the most prominent articles in the Newspaper. The article itself will be a lot more content heavy and less picture heavy, with the majority of the story of the two page spread. There will typically still be a picture but it will be smaller. There will be more advertisement on this page than the front, it is the second most expensive place for Businesses to advertise in local newspapers.

Friday 19 October 2012

Comparison of First Draft and Advertizer

For the second draft I plan on adding several new options to the navigation bar, as well as changing the font and picture size. As well as a side bar which details another aspect of the newspaper. I will also reduce the amount of imagery and increase the amount of text. 

Friday 12 October 2012

Interview with Essex Express Editor

So why did you create a new newspaper for the Essex area?

We here at Essex Express believe there is a niche in the market for a newspaper that covers the whole of the Essex, there are a modicum of newspapers that cover towns, cities and even villages in Essex, but not one that encompasses them all. We believe that what happens in neighbouring towns is just as important that what happens in our own, and is equally as impacting, if crime rate rises in Whitlam, people in Silver End will want to know about it.  

What is going to be the focus of your newspaper?

We will of course write about the typical newspaper stories, such as sport and crime, but we are by no means a typical newspaper, we will celebrate community and individual achievement as well as on local success stories. We do not agree with the attitude of national press in regards to focusing exclusively on economic problems or on the campaign to prosecute are young people. Instead we will look at local business, which ones are doing well and which ones need the help of the community to pull through, we will look at the achievements and accomplishments of our young people and ensure they are celebrated as they should be.

In your opinion how important is local press to your community?

We believe that the local press is paramount to the promotion and continuation of unity and integration in our community that the standard of local media reflects on the people of the area. Here in Essex we enjoy some of the best local newspapers, that promote community spirit in every town they cover, our goal is to interest people in what is happening in other areas of the county, to strengthen are society and get people involved in local projects.

What can you tell us about the nature of your newspaper, its political views and so-on?

As any good editor will tell you are newspaper will strive for impartiality in all things. Politically we will examine the impact of the decisions of local MP’s on their constituents. We will hold all stories the highest level of scrutiny to ensure impartiality and truth. It is the aim of Essex Express to bring you the facts, we believe that the people of Essex are smart enough to reach their own conclusions and will let them do so.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Comparison of Second Draft to the Daily Mail

I have based the second draft  of my newspaper on the Daily Mail adding more advertisement, increasing the size of the caption from my first draft, as well as reducing the size of the masthead and the picture. I also added the beginning of a second article with accompanying picture. This is slightly different form the Daily Mail but I wanted to make this one as different as possible from the first attempt so when I ask people to compare them I can get more of an insight into what attracts the buyer when it comes to newspaper, is it the amount of content or the lack of it. As well as which colour scheme is most eye catching, I cloned the placement of the masthead   as well as the surrounding adverts.
What I want to change in future drafts is the placement of the newspaper's website beneath the masthead as well as making the price more obvious. 

Second Draft Essex Daily

Article 2 Unemployment in the Braintree Area

Unemployment in the Braintree area hit an all-time high this week at 4.2% at around 2500 people. This may seem low, and indeed compared to some areas or Britain such as Ayrshire at 7% and southern Glasgow at 6%. However this figure of unemployment is the highest it has been since the 60’s and the question has to be asked what the local government is doing to combat the growing unemployment. Braintree MP, Brooks Newmark (43) stated in a speech earlier today ‘we the Braintree District Council and the Coalition government are committed to tackling unemployment in the south-east and in particular the Braintree area.’ What exactly ‘tackling unemployment’ entails is unclear as the budget for infrastructure and public works for the Braintree area has been reduced by 7% this year and what projects have been authorized have had low work force requirements.  

Leo the Lion Article

Lion Loose
Pandemonium has fallen in the Northern District of Colchester early Saturday morning after and fully grown lion escaped Colchester Zoo. Leo the Lion (no joke) escaped his enclosure around 6am on the 2nd of September and is yet to be recovered by the Zoo staff or the Emergency Animal Response Unit (EARU). Derek Krewe, Zoo manager, 45 made a statement earlier today claiming 'no effort or expense is being spared in the recovery of the animal' also the the enclosures at Colchester Zoo are 'state of the art and completely secure, he described Saturday's events as a 'freak accident'. Conversely Zoe Shurl, 26, Head of Cats at Colchester Zoo had quite a different view of the events on Saturday descrying the enclosures as 'aged and outdated' she also claimed that 'the Zoo and in particular the Large mammal department are grossly understaffed and underfunded'. Ms Shurl blamed the lions escape on the 'poor quality of the enclosure both for security and comfort for the cats and the lack of training for the staff'. Overall something to worry about considering that that Leo enclosure was shared by seven she-lions and several cubs. Colchester Council member Richard  Sprinfeild, 59, told us that 'the culture budget for the Colchester Constituency has been radically reduced, combined with a fall in Zoo visits has led to a lack funding for new enclosures to be built, despite the fact that they were due to be replaced earlier this year.

Monday 10 September 2012

Compare my Tabloid to Local Newspaper

Master head: Somewhat similar colour scheme red and white, though the Halstead Gazette also has black aswell and and email address underneath, which I am thinking of adding to mine to add authenticity.
Advertisements: the Halstead Gazette has multiple advertisements for local businesses whereas my newspaper only advertises its price and competition, this is something I will need to remedy later
Text: The Halstead Gazette has around 300 words to my newspapers 100, though my newspaper has more than The Sun on which it is based, I am happy with this compromise, but I will try newspaper drafts in future with both more text and less to see which seems most realistic.
Font: As I have stated my newspaper is based on The Sun which is were the font for my master head is from, I believe the font style is used to be memorable the font in my article is standard.          The Halstead Gazette  uses a fairly standard font relying on the impact of the colour scheme and lack of competition the sell the newspaper.
Price: My newspaper is on offer at 50p while the Halstead Gazette is 40p regularly, I will make a questionnaire to see what people would expect to pay for an local tabloid.
Content: Overall the Halstead Gazette content is more intellectual in its content than my own and more concise and profesional in its writing style.

First Draft of Newspaper

Newspaper Plan

Newspaper Plan
Article one Leo the Lion Front - Front Page main article with caption and large picture
Article two Unemployment in the area - Front Page at the bottom continue on Finance page
Article three Struggling Businesses - Finance page

Sunday 9 September 2012

Venn Diagram of Broadsheet, Tabloid and Local Newspapers

First Draft of Newspaper Advert

The idea of a collage of pictures is something that I wanted to experiment with, so I made an advert in this style for an National Tabloid newspaper. For my advert for an local newspaper I will use local public figures and places for the collage.

The Advertisement of Newspapers.

Most national newspapers are household names, this does not prevent multi-million pound advertisement campaign, designed to get the edge on the competition. Local newspapers will try to advertise more out of an desire to become well known rather than to beat local competition, this is because there is rarely much competition for the market for local newspapers, it is rare for an area to support multiple local newspapers. Local newspapers do have to compete with national newspapers, which considering the difference in resources is not always easy. There will always be an more interesting national story than anything that happens locally, therefore local newspapers must try an interest the public in local events.
Local Newspaper Lynn News Advertisement

The Guardian Billboard

Daily Telegraph Billboard

 Both local and national newspapers will use Billboards for advertisement, though they are admittedly slightly different in size. As the Guardian is already an well known newspaper they try to advertise there impartiality and neutrality while the Daily Telegraph advertises the diversity in its content with imagery. The local newspaper adverts try for shock and impact to get people to read there newspaper the bold block capitals are used for a high impact caption, they are also deliberately vague in the wording to intrigue passers by and fill them with an desire to find out the rest of the story   
Local Newspaper Advertisment

Advert Plan

To make my newspaper advert I am going to take pictures of people dressed as local officials, politicians, police and criminals, I plan on incorporating Headlines from newspapers in the style replicated from an former media student. I plan on making an poster which combines local headlines and pictures in a collage with my slogan at the bottom.

Saturday 8 September 2012


The language of an newspaper will depend on its target audience, those aimed at an younger audience will use more provocative and evocative, sometimes informal language. The sentences will be short and succinct and aim for high impact writing.

Newspapers aimed at middle aged to an elder demographic will typically use more formal and descriptive style of writing. Local newspapers will typically have the same style. All newspapers will use small font size 10 or 11 with an bold style for the first few sentences before returning to regular.

Friday 7 September 2012

Mast Head Final Draft

The Final draft of my Masthead

Handout Results

I found that the Slogan; Keeping it Current was the most popular, the first of the three fonts was the most popular, but what was most interesting was the feedback for the Masthead, I found that the Essex Daily was the most popular layout, but that the name of the paper itself is less than eye-catching. Therefore in my advert I am going to change the name of the paper masthead but retain the style.

Handout Questioniare to for Advert

I want to make an advert that best appeals to my target audience so have made this small handout questionnaire to find out which slogan and slogan font to use as well  which Masthead to use.